Saturday 16 March 2013




And think not you can guide the course of love, for love,  if it finds you worthy, shall guide your course...... Khalil  Gib ran.

You come to love, not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly...... Sam Keen.

A man reserves his true and deepest love not for the species of woman in whose company he finds himself electrified and en kindled, but for that one in whose company he may feel tenderly drowsy...... George Jean Nathan.

What is love?  A question asked since time immemorial, love is a common factor that encompasses everything in the  universe, Love is God, and God is Love, and both cannot be seen, In every age, more wars have been fought, in the name of God, Love, land, and wealth, And in the name of love, innumerable  lives have been taken, many people have sacrificed their lives, in the alter of love. And yet some were fortunate enough to have experienced  this  beautiful  emotion, and others  sadly  watched it pass them by.....
It’s  an  intense feeling of deep emotion, for another individual, higher than the sky, deeper than the ocean, unconditional, timeless, eternal......

Love that you feel  for anyone varies by  its nature , love between parents and children, is Filial love, a deep feeling of sexual desire  between lovers is Erotic love, Platonic love or  Philos, is a type of love we feel for our siblings, relatives  and friends, it  has no strings attached, no sexual desires, Agape is the highest kind of   unconditional love, which you experience maybe once  or twice in your life for  your soul mates, twin flames  and for God.

What I would like to discuss,  is about romantic love, between two individuals, the  love shared  between lovers  is of two types, True love, is when you love someone, for what they are, a love which gives, which is unconditional,  and eternal.

Romantic love, is like, in love, with being in love, requires props for a push, cannot sustain without it. It is conditional, and subject to the presence of the object of affection, and all the trappings associated with it.

Now you will  ask  me  what  is  the difference between the two, after all love is love, no, it is far from the truth, let me start by describing romantic love.

Romantic love or conditional love. 

In the initial stage this type of love, begins as a physical attraction and infatuation, we literally fall in love with the outward appearance of the person, “love at first sight” it’s like your dream lover has walked in, and life takes a different meaning altogether. The weakness of this type of love is very obvious, because the first thing that attracts your attention, is   an  attractive  outward appearance, and then the nature or character of the person follows later.

 Generally when you are in love, you are physically attracted, infatuated, besotted, head over  heels  in love  with your  dream lover, During courtship, the initial tendency is to portray the most  positive side of your personality, to woo them in flowery language,  presenting expensive gifts, always at their beck and call. The negative side is revealed at a more familiar stage of the relationship, where the two individuals are in conflict, and they are left in pain and unhappiness.

Relationship differs between person to person, some are in relationships, just to fulfill their ego, to have fun, and enjoy themselves, as in case of teenagers, whereas  others  in their twenties and thirties, eventually go for marriage, to start a family.

 Older  people who have lost their spouse to death, separation  or divorce, find partners for companionship, or to run the family, which is mutually beneficial to both the parties.

There are other unusual  cases  when  such relationships slowly develop into so called love, especially  when an  individual is going through some personal crisis like a disturbed family life, where they have been let down by someone  feeling  empty and alone ,deprived of love and affection, In case of illness, or any  other cases of mental and physical trauma, now in such  a state of sorrow, misery or deep depression, the person who lends  a helping hand and a shoulder to cry on  becomes  an  angel of  love and mercy, a mutual interdependent relationship develops. 

 They expect the other person to guarantee their happiness, to fulfill their physical or emotional needs, and to achieve this  many will go to any extent, to support their lover, portraying  a false image  of love and sympathy in front of them, just to be in their good books. Be  warned,  that  love by feelings alone, and not tested by hardships and trials  cannot sustain in the long term.

Another reason to be careful of, is being in love, “with a concept called love”  TV, movies, , print media are all responsible for romanticizing, portraying a world of fantasy, with fairy tale endings, that it is often hard to see reality from fiction.

Let me come to true love, or unconditional love.

First and foremost  we have to love and accept ourselves before we love others, Only than we can understand the magnitude of love, in its purest form. In true love, the two lovers start of being friends  first, it’s not love at first sight thing, because loving someone does not come easily or naturally, It requires tremendous understanding and maturity, on both their parts, to  love  and accept each other unconditionally,  they admire each  other’s  unique qualities, accept each others shortcomings, it is based on mutual respect, deeper feelings gradually develop at a later stage, for tremendous love , tolerance and patience  is required.

The deep genuine love felt by you invariably attracts the other person to you, they are aware of everything , right from the positive attributes, to the weaknesses, faults and failings, the  darkest secrets are revealed, nothing is hidden  from them, they respect each other  completely for what they are.

The persons are not concerned about outward appearances, they do not express love explicitly, it is expressed in quiet unspoken moments, the deep silence between them conveys everything, no emotional high or sexual attraction is experienced, you want to spend your time with the person, and cherish the moment, forever.

True love is kind, patient, it is not arrogant or rude, when you love  someone you never compete or defy each other , even if conflicts arises, you overcome them immediately by forgiving the person, and forgetting that the person ever hurt you, no harboring resentment. It is a commitment which goes beyond feeling.

The path of true love has never been easy, as poet  Khalil Gib ran writes.

 When love beckons to you, follow him, though his ways are hard and steep. And when his wings enfold you yield to him, though the sword hidden among his pinions may wound you. And when he speaks to you believe in him, though his voice may shatter your dreams as the north wind lays waste the garden.

For even as love crowns you so shall he crucify you. Even as he is for your growth so is he for your pruning. Even as he ascends to your height and caresses your tenderest branches that quiver in the sun, so shall he descend to your roots and shake them in their clinging to the earth.

And  where true love exits, or the love is for a higher purpose, predestined by the two souls, before taking birth, then the Universe will plot to bring the two  together,  no individual or  circumstances, can ever come between them, because  they are destined to be together.

 Spirits and Guides  will  ensure, that messages are impressed on their subconscious minds, or their physical minds, dreams will reveal the  significance and the importance of the relationship, and any individual who  is responsible for creating rift between them, have to face dire consequences, and negativity in their lives, which can come in any form, The benevolent  universe will go to any extent, to keep the  two souls on the right track, it is lovingly watching, and guiding  the spiritual journey of the two souls to their origin......


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