Tuesday 26 March 2013




All of us board the train, called life; we get in as pure souls with very few baggage,s, joyful, full of positive expectation, unprepared of what our journey holds for each of us.

The journey begins; the train driver is our conscious mind who will take us to our destination, and the guard subconscious mind, who will act as a guide, as and when required in our journey. The train slowly moves from the station of our birth. Here we go........Bon Voyage.

In our journey, we meet our parents, siblings, spouses, children, soul mates, friends and others. Each of us has different missions and purposes, and our fate binds us together in one compartment. We become the part and parcel of each other’s  life, and redeem our karmic deeds.

At different stations we will meet different passengers, some of them will help and guide us, and will leave a profound mark in our life, and others will just accompany us to a certain point, and abruptly leave us, we should not carry any emotional baggage in our interactions, with others as this will additionally burden us, instead we should move along cheerfully, sprightly, forgive and forget others follies and travel light.

At times we may be a part of a drama, with a series of  events having emotional, conflicting results with lot of tears of joy and sorrow, comedy and  tragedy thrown in, as a part of a big act, we should act our parts sincerely, objectively, unbiased, with no prejudices, and avoid involving ourselves in others dramas.

On our onward journey we have to confront fearlessly, with storms and lightnings, bear the intense heat and the extreme cold of life, as we are  traveling in different compartments, some will be traveling luxuriously, others comfortably, and still many will be in  compartments were basic needs are not met, drowning themselves in melancholy, in such cases some dejected people will throw themselves out of the train and abruptly end their journey, before their time. But there are others, in spite of all the hardships and difficulties will still take upon themselves to sail through the journey joyfully, courageously accepting things as they are, and going with the flow.

On the way we may befriend some, and antagonize others, some become our love interest, and others are contenders, with conflicting interests.  They become a part of the bigger picture, of our journey , our life takes a twist from here, it becomes blissful with the one we love, and life is bed of roses, we miss out on the thorns, our journey is never smooth, since we have carried some baggage from our last journey.

 Our train will cross great chasms over strong bridges of faith, and at times our life  will  go twisting and winding round the hills of worry and fear, and suddenly with a great din and noise it will  pass through  dark tunnel of misfortune and distress, and everything thing is obscured, we are terrified, inflicted with deep pain and loss, we wallow in sentimentality, in spite of knowing intrinsically that everything in life is transitory, and this part of the act is going to end,  so  the curtain will be raised for the next act in our journey.

At the end of the dark tunnel is the glowing world of light and beauty, rivers, waterfalls, green parks, meadows, gardens, trees and flowers, once again we are lost in the transitory beauty of the imaginative world, but this too is ephemeral, everything in the journey is surreal, nothing is defined, we are hardly able to differentiate between fantasy and reality, but we have to keep a firm hold on our sanity, and move ahead firmly.

Our journey is delayed at certain points, due to various reasons, but we should never lose hope. There may be unscheduled halts, delays, accidents, may derail our life; our journey may course along high mountains and deep valleys. We are in the dark about our future, unaware when our journey may abruptly end, but that does not mean we procrastinate, and do nothing. We should pick ourselves and continue the journey fearlessly with courage and fortitude, and never give up.

We believe that our parents, siblings, friends and others  will be with us till the end of our journey, it’s not the case,  the universe has different plans, lined up for everyone, some of them will disembark at a nearby station, and leave us, as their journey was only up to that point, There are times when an attractive passenger may lure us away from our journey, and alight at a station which may not be a part of our destiny, the external attraction will seduce us and entice us to their world, however attractive their station may be, we should not give into temptation, and immediately leave everything, and board our train of life. some may just leave our compartment, and join others, we have to remember that they had a small part in our life, so that we could learn certain karmic lessons from them, we have to let them go, as they have lessons too, we have to proceed, our train never waits for long, hark! The whistle is blowing, beaconing us, we cannot tarry, time to move on, towards our destination.

Dear friends, In this train journey called life, we have been assigned certain lessons, for our progress, by helping those in need of physical or emotional support, relieving them from their sorrow and distress, we help ourselves, we are here to lighten their burden, without increasing ours, we pass on different compartments, meet people from various background not alike in character, dissimilar in  nature, to learn, to experience  new joys  and gifts in our journey, to exalt in the success of others, to sympathize, and empathize in their  pain and failure, by doing this we learn our lessons, complete our life cycle, and eventually our journey comes to a final end.

 Be like a guard with a lantern in his hands, lighting our track, warning of dangers and perils ahead,  gently guiding the train of life towards the right destination.


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