Saturday 30 March 2013


Heavenly Blessings,


A wise old owl sat on an oak; the more he saw the less he spoke; the less he spoke the more he heard; why aren’t we like the wise old bird?  Edward Hersey Richard.

Birds sing after a storm; why shouldn’t people feel as free to delight, in whatever sunlight remains to them? Rose kennedy.

Life without love is like seasons without spring, and birds in cages,  love  without wings.

We see crows all around, I admire their dark color, shining plumage, darting eyes, their unselfish nature, so liberal in giving and sharing their food. One day it so happened, my friend expressed his thoughts aloud, "why do crows keep following me every were, what is their significance in our lives”, taken aback, I looked at him puzzled, coming from a person with a pragmatic view of life, literally set me thinking, aroused my curiosity , to find out more on crows and their spiritual consequence in our life.

The result of my search, enlightened me to the following facts, In mythology and folklore crows are symbolic of death, transition of the spirit to the afterlife, they are considered to be the messengers of the Spirit world, and vehicles of Gods in Hindu mythology, they represent the dead, because the spirits can merge their energy with that of the crows, and communicate to the living, our near and dear ones who have crossed over to the spirit world will partake offerings of food and water through crows.

I was astonished by the fact that they can recognize each individuals by their facial features, they never forget their enemies, and can transmit the image of their enemies to their young ones, it is believed that they live in the void, and have no sense of time, they are able to perceive our past present and future simultaneously they represent unseen forces, and spiritual strength, they are  clairvoyant, and believe that our earth life is a illusion, and we can travel through space and time in the blink of an eye if one believes it.

Another factor that astounded and surprised me was the fact that they could intuitively perceive people who had highly tuned spiritual side, they would move around spiritual people to give them positive energy, to bring blessings, or at times they send us messages  that someone from the other side is desperately trying to contact us, especially if the individual intentionally tries to block all contacts.

Crows are harbingers of good and bad news, sometimes cawing of a lone crow continuously, indicate death, at times they warn you of impending dangers, illness, accidents and unpremeditated changes, there was a case of one of my associates who was pecked by a crow from her balcony, underwent unanticipated changes in her life, she had to relocate her residence and place of work. In villages they believe that continuous cawing of the crow on the roof, or on the window sill, indicate unexpected guests. Another fact that amused me was that crows droppings were considered to bring  good luck.

Since they have powerful life altering visions and are keepers of the sacred law, we have to believe, that their presence in our life indicates that we have to be more open to receive  messages from the universe, they could be telling us  that there will be changes in our life, and possibly, we should step away from our usual way of looking into realities of  life, and search for the truth  within our inner realms, instead of searching happiness externally we have to change ourselves internally, let go of our old thinking  and habits, and  embrace a new way of life, altogether. I felt this message was for me.

We have to be mindful of our opinions, and actions, avoid being judgmental and see others from their perception, step into their shoes, and act accordingly, with love and compassion. We have to go beyond the cultural limitations and follow the moral codes of right and wrong, speak the truth, we should not deviate from our life’s mission for temporary egocentric pleasures. we have to trust our intuitions, get out of our familiar nest, look beyond our present range of visions, because our negative or positive circumstances will indicate, and warn us that the directions we are taking will benefit us or not, in the long run.

Overall, I would like to summarize my perceptions of crows in our life, is that we have to abide by the sacred laws of the universe, need to follow and trust in the laws of attraction, accept the changes in our life situations, that these changes are for our higher good, brought into our life naturally, as ordained by the universe, that something had to end for something new to begin.



  1. very informative!!! gives me yet another prespectives on crows

  2. hell c'mon man you are scaring me, for last 4 days 2 crows are showing extra ordinary interest in being near me, even when I am with other people. please help me they may be very good omen and all but it really disturbs me.
