Friday 1 March 2013




Spirits and the spirit world.
From dust you are to, dust you will return.
Spirit world is a world inhabited by spirits, they are Souls or Spirits of family members, friends and other people who passed away from the physical world, to the spirit realm,  they are gentle loving beings of light, their main purpose being, to guide and render help to humans, to fulfil  their mission on earth, or to help them in times of crisis, sorrow and illness. Some  spirits are in communion with certain mediums on earth with paranormal, mysterious psychic powers, either  through dreams or  auto writing  were they convey their messages, to their  near and dear ones in the physical world, or people on earth will take their help to contact the spirit world.

Many spirits who crossed over  to the other side, described the spirit world, as being breathtaking, ethereal, very beautiful, pure, filled with love peace and joy, were the souls are in a perpetual state of bliss.

Space and time are illusions which hold us to the physical world, whereas the existence in the spirit realm is eternal, ongoing, never ending, there is timelessness, no space and no distance. Everything exists in the now, the past, present, and future exists simultaneously, Any experience can be like eons or seem like in seconds.

There are many realms in the spirit world and according to our good deeds and sins, our subconscious mind takes us to a particular realm, In a life review we are exposed to our deeds undergone in the physical realm, we were sent to learn certain lessons, and what we did with a gift called life, is projected back to us so that we learn from our mistakes and sins, and also enjoy the fruits and benefits of our good deeds.

 In the spirit world the souls in higher realms help souls who have fallen in the lower realm, to supply with advice and councel, to show the right direction, and also selflessly help the needy and those facing difficulties on earth, and in doing so raise themselves spiritually,  to progress further to higher  spiritual  realms.

When the soul passes away, they try contacting their bereaved loved ones in earth, either through dreams, or try to impress messages through the  subconscious  mind. When this fails, they  will try to enforce the messages to our physical mind, which we  can  relate to with our limited knowledge, but most of the time  our physical mind will reject this advice and guidance as a passing fanciful thoughts or overactive  imagination, but come what may they will ultimately convey their message, to their loved ones.

These divine  souls appear like apparitions, perfect light bodies, transparent, wraith like flimsy figures, or cloudy white or grey in colour. They seem to literally float around,  and are able to pass through  anything  solid, animate or inanimate objects.

Our existence on earth is transitory, temporal, where  as the spirit world is eternal, lasting forever. The vibration of the physical world is slow and dense, whereas the spirit world is light, vibrates at a higher rate. What separates  the two world is the frequency; we have to raise our energy through prayers, meditations, good thoughts words and deeds, to understand the workings of the universe. The earth is like a school were we learn lessons of life. we have come here to gain positive experience and to pay off our karmas of our various past births.


Ghosts are bodiless figures, of dead persons who have not crossed over to the spirit realm, these unhappy souls keep wandering aimlessly in the physical realm, they appear solid or semitransparent, or shadowy phantom like with defined head , shoulders, or without forms, they attach themselves to people , particular locations ,or objects, depending on their attachment. They can be revengeful, and may resort to devious means to get back at their hapless victims, or may be protective towards the object of affection, depending on the circumstances surrounding  their death.

Persons who have  committed suicide,  taken  someone’s  life, (murder),  have been brutally murdered  or died due to  a sudden accident, may  find themselves imprisoned  in the physical realm, these tortured souls wait for  some good Samaritan to  release them from these bondages, by performing their  religious rites, or breaking the chain that binds them to any object of affection.

The ghosts make their presence felt in various ways, most often close family members and friends, had horrendous experiences, were they found their  house in total disarray , paintings,  pictures,  clothes, vessels and other articles strewn on the floor. Toys and objects suddenly start moving on their own accord, lights go on and off and, furniture’s are rearranged mysteriously, without any ones knowledge.

Many of us may have felt an eerie sensation  of  being  watched,  which can send creepy sensation down the back, or make the  hair stand on end.

Running  taps,  tapping sounds, slow dragging   footsteps , musical instruments playing on their own,  someone singing mournfully, the musical note floating hauntingly from afar, sending chills down the spine.

Some have heard high  pitched  screams , or sounds of some pathetic soul groaning and moaning with pain, others have heard cry for help.

Sometimes the doors or windows would suddenly  open or shut with a bang, or make creaking noise, scaring the inmates of the house.

In the presence of these invisible beings, pets behave weirdly, their strange demeanour will unnerve the  brave.

The changes in the  behavioural  pattern  of children,  and the odd conduct of a child in a presence of an entity,  have sent many parents in a state of panic,  the children were found  befriending  an invisible entity, and vividly describing  their encounter with these  beings, they were able to converse with these paranormal beings, These  entities on their part would try to win the affection of the child, they  would  entertain them, play with them, and at times  when the parents expressed their disapproval, the child  would  go against the parents, to appease the invisible  ghost.

 In our small village, were we had been to attend the last rites of my diseased relative, late in the night, after dinner, when everyone was asleep, I was tossing and turning in my bed, suddenly  in the wee hours of the night , I saw golden lights flickering on and off from the ceiling, which slowly moved  towards the floor, it was circling around the grand child of my diseased relative, sick with fear, I covered my face, I assumed it was  a final farewell to the child.

 One of  my close friend related her  nocturnal experience,  In the middle of the night, in deep sleep  she  would  wake  up feeling  a choking sensation, in her neck, as if someone is trying to strangulate her, she would desperately try to free herself, from the clutches of this terror, but to her horror she  found herself unable to speak or scream for help, only  gurgling sound would come out of her throat, she felt that the invisible force, was  compressing her throat, and  forcing her down or restraining her, she consulted astrologers, priests and other experts in this field, but to no avail.

 My cousin and his wife who were on a business trip, managed to check into a hotel late in the night, without verifying the reputation of the hotel, my cousin  was rudely awakened, in the middle of the night,  by creaking sound, and violent movements, to his shock and horror, he felt the bed they were lying literally shaking. He was  in a state were he could hardly differentiate , the nightmare from reality, he refrained from  mentioning  anything to his wife for fear that it would  terrify her and perhaps have terrible effect on her mentally, strangely she never felt  anything, but it sure took a toll on his health.

There must be number of reasons for the presence of these entities, their  presence can have a negative or positive effects on  their surroundings,  sometimes their attachment, or deep love for certain individuals, may chain them to the physical realm. There are times when they need  assistance , or want to pass on a message to any of their  close relatives.

Some ghosts are attached to their locations, palace, mansion or a small house. For better reasons known to them they are unable to leave these places. some might have been tortured, physically assaulted or brutally murdered, in such cases these ghosts wait for the right time to take revenge,  or seek justice,  for the wrong done to them. Even in case of suicide, they get stuck in between the physical realm and the spirit realm, the condition of these  poor souls are pathetic.

Antique pieces, old  furniture’s,  mirrors are also objects of attachment, many souls do not relinquish their hold on these objects. Its better to avoid buying  such articles from Yard sales or Antique stores.

Ghosts are found  everywhere, but they are not visible to our naked eye, we cannot perceive them  in this visible spectrum, as they are not solid, or  made of flesh and blood like humans. They have no substance ,they look shadowy, illusory, unreal.

 Highly Spiritual People or Mediums  can see them , converse with them, and act  as channels, through se’ance, a meeting in which spiritualists attempt to communicate with departed souls. Some  good souls, need  only help, or guidance, or they may want to relay some messages to their near and dear ones.

Malevolent souls, basically haunt places, locations and houses, either for revenge, or  seek justice, there is a possibility they might have been murdered, or a fatal accident might have killed them on spot , in such places.

In some cases they  may possess  or take control of an individual against their wish, either to harass them or  from feelings of deep attachment to them, they sometimes  disrupt an entire family,  make life miserable for them, and in extreme cases even take the life of people around.

In my opinion it’s better to stay clear from any kind of communication with the Ghosts, unless a person is in deep trouble, and in such dire circumstances, we can take help of Priest, Psychic Mediums, and Paranormal experts, to get rid of them, for we have no idea with whom we are dealing, and once they enter our life, they can be very harmful to our wellbeing,  and cause great trouble to our family and friends.

Our faith in the almighty, strong will power, prayers and meditations, will  ultimately  protect and save  us.
May all souls  rest in peace.......AMEN.

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