Tuesday 12 March 2013




Death leaves a heartache, no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal......

If tears could build a stairway, and memories a lane, I would walk right up to Heaven and bring you home again......
                              Author Unknown

In Betty Eadie's book “The ripple effect”,  she has stated that Life is a river ,our destination is set, but the method of coursing down depends on us......

In this journey called Life, Destiny and Free will work hand in hand, there are many decisions and choices to be made, and we have to face many challenges and opportunities. 

There is sorrow, pain, happiness and joy, all teach us about how to love ourselves and others, besides  we learn lessons about tolerance, patience, humility, generosity, and  self discipline, how to control our base emotions like anger, hatred, avarice, spite and jealousy. 

 Our soul then decides to take birth on this physical, three dimensional realm, so we can experience and learn all these lessons faster, which is predetermined by us earlier in the spirit world according to our karma,s( sum total of our good and bad deeds), in many  previous births , hence some of us are born in favorable conditions and others not, we have to remember, that  these  choices are made by us, and not God.

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem...
When a person commits suicide, it is a deliberate choice to kill  the  physical body and by doing so, they  subsequently damage the soul. It is akin to self murder, we have no right to take our own life, because the death of the physical body is ultimately  determined  and  governed by divine laws.

There are  different  and many reasons for committing suicide, the individual is in so much  pain and in confusion, they block any kind of positive energy flowing to them, they are surrounded by  dark negative energy, they totally alienate themselves from everyone around them, and many  times it is impossible to break the barriers they have created round themselves.

To cite some few examples of individuals who commit suicide.

 Numerous cases of suicide  were seen among small children, when they were under some pressure either at  home or at school, oftentimes when they were ridiculed  or made fun of,  because of shortcomings physical or mental, personality disorders or academic failure, or maybe they were better than their contemporaries,  In other cases when they were tortured,  mentally and physically , by someone close to them, they would resort  to such drastic measures ,to escape the pain and the trauma either in  a fit of anger, humiliation or deep sense of depression.

Teenagers have problems of their own , when they fail to get into the field of their choice, college admissions, poor job opportunities, meager income, and sometimes love relations which goes sour, or running behind unattainable objects of affection, and one of the most hurtful experience is when their heart is betrayed by the  one they love , who they find with another, this is akin to death itself, and try to escape this  unbearable pain by killing themselves.

Business and working class people also succumb to this kind of pressure, financial crisis, leading to bankruptcy, cheating, stealing, peer pressure, love affairs and sexual harassment in offices leading to slander, humiliation, and malicious rumors which subsequently destroys the credibility of the person.

Few of the most well known celebrities also committed suicide, they had everything  to their credit  fame, fortune,  good looks, crazy fan following , yet so many of them  have tragically taken their own lives, why? Severe depression, unable to face the pressure of the arc light, or popularity, addiction to drugs, alcohol.

 Unpredictable working hours, as they  reach higher up the larder of success, they spend money lavishly on some luxury and pleasure, and find themselves surrounded by false friends, and sycophants, disturbed family life and loneliness, were they become  disillusioned about life in general.

Terminal illness, near fatal accidents, resulting in loss of body part ,there are immediate life changing consequence to it, were the individual is unable to do simple menial tasks, resulting in dependency on others, old age illness ,loneliness abandonment, mental and physical abuse, are all other factors leading to suicide.

We have to realize that when the present life  on earth is cut short, our life is incomplete, and breaking the natural law will be accounted for in the spirit world, because we take the unhappiness, the pain and guilt with us into the after life, the  spirit  realizes through a life review, the  terrible impressions of the heinous  act  left on our  soul,   and the awful impact on our bereaved family, the social stigma they have to face, their grief, anger, helplessness, and the traumatic effect it has left on their life.

 These tormented  souls who have committed suicide  are shattered, their illusions broken unable to escape the consequences of their action even in the afterlife.

 We increase the stock of bad karma,s and loose the opportunity for liberation because our present negative influencing factor were responsible for these heinous act, we try to escape the problems and sufferings, by taking our life, instead of facing it bravely.

The spirits of these poor souls, get stuck midway between the physical realm and the spirit realm, were  they are unable to help themselves or their family, loved ones and friends, their sense of guilt, shame, fear overwhelms them to such an extent, Oftentimes they are unable to move forward to the spirit realm, they are restrained within their feelings and emotions that lead them to this sac religious  act, they desperately want their loved ones to forgive them, and  to help those left behind  to move on with their lives in the physical realm.

We have to pay back our dues, or face our negative karma,s by reincarnating in another birth, and  going through this vicious circle, which will place us in a similar negative circumstances life after life,  and all the factors that had influenced us to take  our life earlier, will be projected back to us in  our  various births. 

This cycle is never ending, we have to break this vicious circle, by facing the traumas and hardships of life bravely, fearlessly and lovingly, knowing that our Angels and guides send by the universe are always present to assist us to promote our progress and facilitate our growth and to overcome  and  conquer our weaknesses, both the hidden enemies within us, and our external opposing forces.

We have to leave the outcome in Gods hands and have faith in the  powers of the universe, divine intervention will save us from our traumas and pain,  our patience and tolerance  will ultimately pay in the long run , because these troubles are temporary, transitory, and can be resolved.

 We have to raise our hands to heaven, having complete trust  in the Almighty, that help is on its way…….


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