Friday 9 August 2013


Heavenly Blessing.


The laws of attraction is dont attract what you want, you attract what you are......

When someone comes into our life, God send them for a reason, either to learn from them or to be with them till the end of time......

I see the divine in you, twin flame relation come into your life to help mold you to embody the vibration of unconditional love...... 

I have received tremendous feedback for my earlier article on Twin Flames, and there were lot of queries on the twin flame relationship, first and foremost it is very hard to understand whether the relationship is karmic, soul mate or twin flame, this relationship is so complicated it can leave you totally confused, upset and puzzled, and at times in a state of bliss.

Eons ago when the twins separated and went their separate ways, they had an understanding between them and the Lord, that each will experience life in its various forms in the physical realm, learn, heal and grow in different incarnations with other souls, once they learn all life lessons, and  become complete souls individually, they will finally reunite with each other in the last incarnation, and move towards the ultimate  union with God.

Dear friends, I would like to mention that each twin flame couple will experience this relationship dynamics differently, no two experiences are alike. Depending upon your karmic deeds in various incarnations, each and every individual will have their own karmic experiences. In many births we meet our twins, learn certain lessons, and then part, either because of the tremendous ego which can come between them or negative people or untoward circumstances will play a major role in separating them, you must have heard of  lovers committing suicides, or certain negative incidents or state of affair which violently pulled them apart or death due to terrible accidents  which took away their lives, that’s because they were incomplete as individuals, they will reincarnate in some life together to complete their life  circle, because  this  is the  path chosen by  the soul, you have to balance all your karma's (the good and the bad deeds in thoughts, words and action), not only with each other, but with other Karmic and Soul mate relations to transcend the reincarnation cycle. 

Before the twins  unite with each other they will individually undergo the dark night of the soul, (traumatic experiences), like  tremendous health issues in the family,  the death of near and dear ones, financial crisis, tremendous problems in marriage or love life, which leave many in a deep state of sorrow and depression , many a times people avoid others, parties or any kind of social functions, they rather be alone with their problems and troubles, wallow in self pity, they ultimately isolate themselves from others, and here comes a twist in the story of their life, suddenly from nowhere a person will walk into their  life like a breath of fresh air in their stale existence, to help and guide them, they are your  soul mates.

 Soul mates are literally gifts from the Almighty, they are your anchor in the turbulent ocean of your life, they bring solace to your troubled existence, they will guide your path, and stand by you through thick and thin, many a times your soul mates, or your previous partners will have the same qualities, personality or characteristics that is shared by your twin flame. In spite of their loving presence we still feel incomplete, as if waiting for someone. Sometimes in my pensive mood  the deep blue mountains in the distance fill me with a sense of mystery, as if they are hiding a deep secret, and at times wistfully feel the presence of someone’s face in the clouds floating by. In the seashore when I see the waves flow with a light rise and fall, the sound seems to echo a long forgotten music of love, and a deep sense of longing to be held by someone so that you could literally drown in the music together. Why do we feel so incomplete, or deeply yearn for someone, that’s because somewhere the other half of our soul, our twin flame is going to make an entry into our lives in an unusual and extraordinary circumstances, as I mentioned earlier that this happens in their last birth on this physical plane, both the twins will understand through some bizarre or unusual events or occurrences that this is their last birth.

The Universe will conspire with the wheel of time, together they will change the circumstances around both the twins, before long the twins will experience a whirl wind of change, and their very existence will be uprooted regardless of events or conditions, which may differ for different people according to the pact made by both before descending in this physical realm. Suddenly one or both the twins will change their country, state, profession, residence or family (marriage or divorce).

The door to their destiny will suddenly open, and there they are in each other’s presence, the souls literally dance in ecstasy when they meet each other, it’s like my soul saw yours and it kind of went “Oh there you are, face to face in my presence, making your way slowly through my eyes to settle in my heart forever and ever.” Romantic isn’t  it, well reality may not be that romantic, because the  soul level recognition is immediate, the heart feels, but the mind does not comprehend the depth of the relation for some, it will take time, maybe years to awaken and recognize the divine connection, for some evolved souls, who are complete individually,  the recognition will be instantaneous.

And now starts the difficult journey, the path is rugged, filled with thorns, each and every step is ridden with pain, as each twin will reflect the negative qualities, shortcomings of the other, like a mirror image. They will have differences, arguments, fights and at the  same time will support, discuss, and standby each other like rocks, they will basically push each other’s buttons and will challenge one another to bring the best and the worst attributes at the same time. 

Since the relationship is a soul to soul connection, it has to be handled at a spiritual level than the physical level, because the twin flame relation  is like a roller coaster ride, with its ups and downs, one of the partner will assign a romantic loving relation to it, which will create a lot of chaos emotionally and mentally, jealousy,  possessiveness, anger all plays  a big part in the drama,  controlling, manipulating techniques  are meant in karmic, or soul mate relations not between twin flames. Doubts, fears, hopes, disappointments every emotion is reflected to each other like mirror images, because there is emotional baggage in both the twins, and tremendous ego, many of the issues are the same, hence these negativity are magnified in this relation, which stress them out, unable to bear the intense feelings for each other they often run away from the connection and from each other.


But here the benevolent universe plays its big part, because the souls desperately want to be with each other, even though the ego based mind and its vehicle the physical body are at loggerheads with the souls decision, in such case one of the more aware twins will be guided to maintain the relation, and support the runner twin, and wait patiently for their return, you will be wondering how? well one of them will have repeated dreams revealing the connection, the departed near and dear ones in the spirit world will ensure you of the connection, they will come often in your dreams to guide you, sometimes you will see GOD, great saints, angels they will make sure you do not deviate from the path, remember my dears the more difficult the path, you are heading for sunshine, it’s a reassurance from above that you are in the right path, the name of your twin will pop in shops sign boards , in billboards, newspapers, books, magazines, in the TV, radio, you name it you will see it everywhere, even the birth date will continuously peek at you from car number plates, whenever you see the time the same date will peer at you from the time piece, or known or unknown people will repeat the dates, to your deep consternation, validating  what you instinctively feel, in fact if you start  tuning  to the universe, your deep psychic sense  will perceive these fine messages through your intuition and will act like a radio receiver.

Sometimes when the other twin does not respond to your feelings, doubts start creeping, you wonder whether you are living a real or surreal existence, because the whole thing sounds quiet weird, preposterous, completely contrary  to your logical, practical mind, which rejects things which science disapproves, many a times its difficult to believe the connection, as everything is so abstract, nothing is tangible, you cannot reason out the depth of your emotions, because it’s so intense, its next to impossible to convince anyone of this connection, the only alternate is you look above or within you, or  desperately  start surfing the net, reading books or consulting psychics, palmists, astrologers for answers, the whole experience tear you apart, and leave you in a state of despair, and total depression.

There was a case when the more aware twin, wanted a confirmation from the universe, she said if this thing exists, then I should see bird feathers,  and to her pleasant surprise from that day she found feathers everywhere, in her room, at her office, on her dress and even in closed rooms where it’s impossible for them to reach, she  felt that whenever they had an argument or fights, both would experience tremendous negativity in their lives, like minor accidents, burns, bruises, or damages to their vehicles, or other incidents. If one goes into depression the other instinctively feels the pain , and goes into the same designated condition, they can feel each other’s love, anger, hatred jealousy very strongly, because they are so tuned to each other at the soul level without being aware physically, often times, they  are not verbose, but understand each other perfectly well, and often after a vehement fight, strangely  all the anger and differences between them would dissipate like mist, they would immediately forgive each other,  everything would be forgotten and be absolutely normal, as if nothing  ever happened between them. The most unusual or extraordinary fact of this relation is, the more the twins fight and run from each other the stronger is the bond between them, and more intense the feelings.

This divine relation is a part of the big picture, which was decided by the twins and God, everything will not unfold all at once, it will become apparent only as the relationship proceeds, grows, evolves and each twin will have to face this rough road to complete the circle, and the saddest part of the journey is that many a times one twin will be aware of the connection, and the other will sleepwalk through the connection. in such cases the twin that is more aware has to have tremendous patience, perseverance, even tempered and steady, and wait for the divine time when his/her other half awakens to this divine spiritual love.

(To be continued in the next post)


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