Sunday 3 February 2013

Karmic mates

Heavenly blessings,
Karmic mates.
Karma and reincarnation are universal truths, Destiny has already mapped our lives before we enter the physical realm, a general guidelines has already been designed by us, but the final outcome ultimately depends on  our free will and  choices we make, we have no one to blame but ourselves.
On a broad base there are three kinds of mates depending on our Karma.
Karmic Mates, Soul Mates and Twin Soul Mates, also known as Twin Flames
In this post i will mention about Karmic Mates, followed by Soul Mates and Twin Flames in the next post, this is from my experience and perception, because every soul  has different  learning experiences, purpose, and significant challenges.

All relationships are Karmic related, specially with people connected to us , our parents , siblings, spouses, children, other family members, lovers , friends neighbors and colleagues. we have already made our choices in the spiritual realm, according to our deeds good or bad, which binds us to the people concerned in different incarnations.
Many a times Karmic relationships may not be pleasant or lasting ,it can be very  traumatic experience for many, what with fights, arguments  fears and unhappiness, making the whole journey a miserable one.
There are horrendous cases of parents abandoning and sexually abusing their children or children ill-treating and harming their parents ,cases of siblings murdering their kith and kin for wealth or property, depressed people committing  suicides, lovers and friends betray their loved ones, spouses immoral behaviour, cheating and brutality, colleagues mentally and physically harass each other ,for no rhyme or reason not realizing that a vicious karmic deeds are created which will boomerang back with greater intensity.

In case of Karmic love relations, its love at first sight, depending on the looks, financial status, intelligence, or other positive qualities attributed to the person. There is a feeling that the person is your soul mate ,as the connection is intense and overpowering. Passions run high, your beloved becomes the center of your universe, but beware! because  past life unresolved  issues will sooner or later  resurface, were dreams come crashing down and you are made to face hardcore reality, a kind of an obsession for the person takes over resulting in possessiveness , jealousy and ownership.
Sometimes when you are connected with a complex  life partner, resulting in fights , arguments, intense antagonism or ego clashes cause tremendous problems in a relationship  leaving a bitter experience in your life, it is better to draw a line and walk out of such relations where you feel victimized or powerless to control the course of events, or  if possible change our  attitudes to life and view people and circumstances in a positive manner, which I personally feel is a better option because we escape the vicious cycle of good and bad Karma's. And maybe if this issue is resolved amicably in this birth  we may have  better chance in the next.
 Reality about how Karma works in our life dawned  in my early childhood, were I would illustrate with a story witnessed by me, in my neighborhood of a lady known for her evil disposition of harassing and terrorizing people, would go to any length to have her way.
There was an incident, were she confronted a man in public and went to the extent of tearing his clothes and beating him black and blue the passersby were a silent witness to this whole sordid drama, and the poor wretched man had no say in the matter, there are other incidents of her evil ways and deeds ,were she even managed to throw her old , ailing landlord from his own house, so she could usurp his entire property for herself illegally.
Neighbors and friends either avoided her or tried to be in her good books out of fear of reprisal.
But destiny has its own plans, you cannot cheat  fate. it so happened her only son while traveling to college, on that fateful day ,the bus was speeding, with college students and loud blaring music, the driver lost control of the bus, it toppled over would have gone spiraling down the hill, except for the saving grace of tree which prevented it, but unfortunately three children who were near the door, died instantly on the spot and one of them happened to be her only son, she was devastated, and overwhelmed with grief, the incident changed her overnight, and what remained was a carcass of a heartbroken mother.
In this physical plane called earth , we have different personalities, diverse roles, varied background and tremendous lessons to learn, sometimes our karma's are paid in this lifetime, or it may take many lifetimes to balance our deeds.
Ultimately we have to remember that we are here to support each other in happiness and sorrow, which are meant for our spiritual growth and evolvement.

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I really don´t understand the difference between the karmic relation and the twin flames when they feel the antagonism and the ego problems..for me it´s really difficult at this moment to know which one. And the fact is that in each one, life ask me opposite things..twin flames (patience, trust, faith..) and the karmic relation ( keep walking..).

    Any advice?

    Thank you very much

