Monday 8 April 2013


Heavenly blessings,

Dreamy  illusions.

As the sun  sets in, the golden hue,

painting the sky with myriad colors,

the brightness of the reflected light,

turned everything to burnished gold

my face, glowing like the dusky evening

drowning in your deep dreamy eyes,

your skin glowing like the moon,

peeping through the clouds, yonder,

The night slowly tiptoes behind us,

spreading its velvety  darkness like

a purple cloak, fire flies glowering all

around, millions of stars twinkling

like  sparkling  diamonds in the sky,

walking, side by side our fingers

gently touching each other, oblivious

to the world, deeply in love you and I,

walking through the lush green carpet

mesmerised by the  nightingale’s song,

the notes floating, like a symphony

in the dark solitary night, feelings of

joyful ecstasy, ethereal beauty fills the soul

the sweet scented flowers of the night

ensnaring us, in their embrace, arousing

forbidden feelings unknown, as I gazed

into your face, my fears fled, in your arms

so loving and safe, my body merging in yours,

lost to the world,  in eternal joy and  bliss.

the wise old owl warned of evil omen, ahead

but we paid no heed, deeply immersed ,

in love, for each other, unaware of envious eyes

watching  us  with malevolent intensity

the covetous look, behind the dark curtain,

the beautiful evil eyes of the night queen

desiring to possess my love, my heartthrob,

swoops in the form a bat, grabs my love and

whisks him into the deep dark valleys below

lightening struck my heart, tears like rain
flowed from my eyes, drowning in grief

woe betide her, for her evil ways, oh night queen

for capturing and forcing him against his will,

to live with her, in her dark kingdom below.

I invoked the Almighty, pleaded with him

my head bowed in deep pain, in anguish

to free my soul from the clutches of the

night queen, gently he lifted me into his lap

and said, my child have hope and faith in me

I will free him, and bring him to thee , at the

Divine  time ordained by me, trust in the

working of the universe, as you have to learn

patience and unconditional love from me,

and your lover, the pain of separation from thee.


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