Heavenly Blessings,
Our thoughts and imagination are
the only real limits to our possibilities......
Thinking positive thoughts will
always empower you, do it enough it will change your life......
Great thoughts speak only to
thoughtful mind, but great action speaks to all mankind......
As I mentioned in my earlier post
that thought is a great force, it moves, it creates, and our dominant, potent
thoughts, beliefs, and imaginations eventually manifests into our lives, and
brings about tremendous changes, our thoughts are so powerful it can change our destiny.
Many a times we get caught in
people’s opinions, conversations, and find ourselves agreeing to them, but
actually or principally don’t agree to them , why do we do it then, just to please them, or perhaps to avoid
confrontation and drama, in such cases we should avoid getting into such
conversations in the first place, or avoid
the person , often times it creates a tremendous pressure on us , and
ultimately on our relationships, we have to remember that friendship and
relationships are based on love, and love is energy in motion, it is one of the
most profound intense feeling for another, it heals, it creates, our soul wants
to experience this highest feeling, it’s a blessing from the universe, for the
one who gives and the one who receives. If we hold on to relations that does
not support us spiritually, they will sap our energy resources and distract us
from the right path.
It is said that our face reflects
our thoughts, like a mirror, as I mentioned earlier there is nothing good or
bad in this world, everything is as it is, it is our mind which judges,
manipulates, criticizes, finds faults in others, we have to travel miles in
others shoes to understand life from their perception, perhaps we may
understand what they are going through, which otherwise our limited mind may
not grasp what the heart perceives.
Anyway coming to the point I
would like to mention that our negative thoughts is mirrored on the face, our
face looks ugly, vicious, dark thoughts darkens the face, ugly lines are formed
on the face, giving an evil, spiteful or a malicious look to it, there is a
malevolent look on the face of people who commit crime deliberately with evil
intentions. Whereas on the other hand people who have positive, loving divine
thoughts look pure, calm, and beautiful, we can feel their divinity, gentleness
and loving thoughts, they have a pleasant, serene countenance.
I guess some of you will disagree
to the above facts, but it is true. But there are cases when a cute, pretty or
a handsome face can hide a very vicious, selfish, conniving nature, sometimes
an innocent face can deceive you, but the negative energy that surrounds them
can never deceive a person who is pure, endowed with emotional sensibilities,
in such cases our intuition will always guide us, our feelings will be
sensitive enough to pick out the vibes whether negative or positive.
Here I would like to mention
about (AURA), all living things are surrounded by this energy. It’s like
spiritual halo, like a faint light, which surrounds the body, it is described
as a map, of thoughts and feelings of person, It is made up of seven colors,
(VIBGYOR), depending upon the feelings, emotions dominating at a particular
time. Some sensitive or spiritual people can see the aura of another in faint
dim light, it is said that when we are busy competing with others in the rat
race, in the materialistic world, the predominant colors are red, orange,
yellow, when we have loving, romantic thoughts than our aura is light green, light
blue, and when we have pure divine thoughts, or when we meditate or spiritually inclined its indigo blue, violet or pure

Coming to the main point, our
feelings and emotions, either negative or positive surround us like a halo, play
a predominant part in our life, you must have experienced the dance of attraction and repulsion to
people we come in contact with, there are cases when we find ourselves repulsed
by some and attracted to others, and it has nothing to do with external
appearance, why is it so, it’s because of the AURA, the energy that surrounds
the body, they carry this energy in the
form of thoughts and feelings like the way we carry our clothes on our body.
Our psychic mind or intuitive mind immediately feel those vibes, the moment our
aura crosses theirs, we feel the same emotions. You must have noticed certain
people light up the room with their presence, we enjoy their company, the
energy becomes light and joyous in their presence, whereas in other cases a
person’s presence can bring discord, the atmosphere becomes heavy, and there is
lot of petty argument, dispute leading to quarrel and animosity.
We are the masters of our own
destiny, and can change our fate by right thoughts, feelings and actions. We can
be untouched by others if we are strong enough to confront negativity, with
positive, kind, merciful and loving thoughts, because our thoughts have healing
power, which can heal a person at a great distance.
We have to control and focus our
thoughts and speech, because our predominant thoughts whether loving or filled
with hate will boomerang back to us with redoubled force. If you realized how
powerful your thoughts are you would never think a negative thought again.
Never dwell on painful past
experiences, because you will be transported in a blink of an eye back to the
old situation, which will reopen old wounds, and you will feel the same pain
vividly as it happened years ago, never trust your thoughts when you are in
sorrow, or when your level of consciousness is low.
Practice concentration,
meditation, keep your mind serene, calm, peaceful, overcome gloomy thoughts,
elevate your mind by being cheerful, exuberant, smile, laugh, enjoy the beauty
of nature, try to maintain silence as far as possible, don’t give vent to anger,
divert your mind immediately to something pleasant, so that the anger passes,
and you are more in control of your emotions, were you can think rationally,
and take decisions wisely.
Too much physical exercise, too
much eating, drinking, or sleeping, too much talking, walking, sexual
indulgence mixing randomly with too many worldly people is obstacles to
spiritual evolvement.
Give auto suggestions to yourself,
while praying affirm to the universe, with deep intense feelings and emotions,
say to yourself “I am happy, I am beautiful, I am cheerful, I am successful, I am
at peace with myself and the world,” when we slowly control our thoughts our
inner strength will grow, we will become more confidant, successful, and
powerful enough to influence others, our aura will increase, which will enhance
our personality.
I would like to conclude with
this famous saying;
Maintain positive thoughts
Thoughts become your words
Words become your behavior
Behaviour becomes your habit
Habit becomes your character
And your character becomes your
Hence your predominant THOUGHTS will
ultimately change your DESTINY.............