courtesy oneinabillionconsulting.blogspot.com | |
happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a
certain set of attitudes”......
men look out through the same bars
sees mud and one the stars”......
say a person needs just these things to be truly happy in this world, someone
to love, something to do, and something to hope for”......
are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.
the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves”......
die not only from cancer or heart attack,
but people today die by taking their own
lives because of lack of love, loneliness, despair, hopelessness. They feel unwanted,
unloved, uncared; they lack proper guidance in their day to day lives.
Physical disease can be cured, what about mental
disease, the negative feelings of being unloved, unsuccessful in life, inferiority
complex, in terms of physical
appearance, wealth, social status, education, or profession. This persistent
negative thoughts starts gnawing into their mental system, which slowly spreads
like cancer in their conscious thoughts, gradually eroding and corroding
their mind, not realizing they are digging their own graves, by feeling inferior or comparing
themselves to others, people around us are more worried
about themselves, they are unable to help themselves, they are in the same boat as we are, how can we
depend on such persons to guide us, or help us, why
should we be envious or jealous of them.
The materialistic
life we are used to, a high flying job, foreign trips, lavish homes, cars, jewellery, clothes,
latest technical gadgets, partying with friends, you name it, every one of
these give us happiness, but for a short while, and then again our vacillating
mind, goes hunting for new pastures, new people, new adventures, we are never
content, or satisfied with the things we have, so our happiness is transient
and short lived.
happiness is not what happens to us, it is how we perceive what happens to us,
if we are untouched by the negative circumstances, or negative people in our
lives, in time we will see them changing to the positive, one
may ask how is it possible? By changing our perception of them and life in
general, by seeing things in a positive light, It has been proved, by great
saints and philosophers that thoughts in any form are very powerful, they are
vibrating forms of energy, our habitual thoughts in a subtle form eventually
manifest into our lives in the gross form, either positive or negative depending
upon the thoughts we harbor daily, apparently these thoughts in the form of messages, is received
by the universe, which is considered to be a big xerox machine, created by God, hence the potent thoughts having great power, that are received by the universe
is eventually projected into our life, and they manifest in the form of people or circumstances either negative or positive, thus our basic fearful
or loving thoughts, sooner or later shapes our life.
What should we do in such cases, I agree it’s
not that simple, better said than done, but we have to make tremendous effort
to send only positive, peaceful, pure
and loving thoughts to the universe, find a positive in a negative, and view
setback as a challenge, and stop wishing for what we do not have, our lives
will become more richer and fulfilled, so change your thoughts, you change your
circumstance, and ultimately your fate.
Joy is a state of mind, it’s a inherent quality we are born with,to feel joy we do not require materialistic things, we can perceive it everywhere around us we see joy
in the face of a baby when they see their mothers, their gurgling laughter,
antics and pranks delight us, and fill us with joy, which money cannot buy.
We feel elated when
we see the glory of dawn, with its golden hue strewn like burnished gold, or
glimpse the beauty of a fiery sunset, before twilight, which gives a
light and shade to everything around, the entire aura changes us, the singing of the birds, the
bubbling of the brook is music to our ears, which fills us with joy.
feel joy when we see the beauty of different variety of flowers, with its loveliness,
like colors splashed on a canvas, the sweet fragrance, spreading everywhere,
purifying our thoughts with its essence.
feel deep reverence for God creation when the sun shines through the light
showers of rain, and behold the glorious rainbow across the sky, the sheer
beauty of the seven colors mesmerize us, spellbound our eyes are raised to heaven in joy.
my final conclusion I would like to
state that, we have to lead simple lives, even though we are surrounded by the latest modern gadgets,we should not obsess after them, we have to remember that technology is for our comforts, to simplify our life, not to make it more complicated.
Keep in mind that people
who are joyous, are rarely rich, or good-looking, or most talented or having
high status, they are ordinary people who
enjoy simple things in life, they enjoy Gods creation, rather than man made creation, they do not depend on external excitement and fun, they do not yearn for
yesterday or tomorrow, they savor the moment, they enjoy their work, their families,
friends, they adjust themselves to the changes, they are in tune with nature
and in harmony with themselves, they are
understanding, compassionate, loving and
have the capacity to give and receive
We have to see holiness in
our everyday life, when we do that something magical happens, our ordinary life
will become extraordinary, and we will see beauty in God’s creation, the very
reason we have come to this world will be fulfilled, we are on the right path, and this very process will
nourish our soul,
the moment” rejoice and be glad in it, remember the time to be happy is now.